Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still okay?

"There is nothing worse that the realization that your life has been nothing but an unsuccessful disappointment." - J.L. Stewart
I recently saw an old friend, and they asked me how I was. What was I to say? It had been 2 years since I had last saw them. I had to give them the cliche answer "Good, I've been good.".
It's funny to me now that I would tell a lie to someone who I probably won't see again for another few years. You see, I have had all my pride sucked out of me by my co-workers and superiors. Meanwhile my friend was having an extremely successful time. Usually it's the other way around. Being so entrapped by my misery on how my life has actually gone, i forgot to not be a joy-suck. But she was so wrapped up in her happiness that she didn't care about me and notice that I was a wreck. I, then, texted her and said that I had a bone to pick with her. She didn't respond back and is now avoiding me.When I tracked her down she only spoke to me long enough to tell me the basics about how she felt. I wanted to tell her what a coward she is because she can't face me, but refrained. Now, all I can do is just focus on other things till she's ready to confront me.
I think the main reason that I'm sharing this story is to share the fallowing advice:
1) Grab the bull by the horns and don't be a coward, because the person deserves nothing less.
2) No matter what your state, know who to share with and who to listen to when they have to share.
3) Don't compare the people of whom you hate to people of whom you love.