Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still okay?

"There is nothing worse that the realization that your life has been nothing but an unsuccessful disappointment." - J.L. Stewart
I recently saw an old friend, and they asked me how I was. What was I to say? It had been 2 years since I had last saw them. I had to give them the cliche answer "Good, I've been good.".
It's funny to me now that I would tell a lie to someone who I probably won't see again for another few years. You see, I have had all my pride sucked out of me by my co-workers and superiors. Meanwhile my friend was having an extremely successful time. Usually it's the other way around. Being so entrapped by my misery on how my life has actually gone, i forgot to not be a joy-suck. But she was so wrapped up in her happiness that she didn't care about me and notice that I was a wreck. I, then, texted her and said that I had a bone to pick with her. She didn't respond back and is now avoiding me.When I tracked her down she only spoke to me long enough to tell me the basics about how she felt. I wanted to tell her what a coward she is because she can't face me, but refrained. Now, all I can do is just focus on other things till she's ready to confront me.
I think the main reason that I'm sharing this story is to share the fallowing advice:
1) Grab the bull by the horns and don't be a coward, because the person deserves nothing less.
2) No matter what your state, know who to share with and who to listen to when they have to share.
3) Don't compare the people of whom you hate to people of whom you love.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Still Honest?

Okay, I've sat and pondered to whether I am always honest with everything and everyone around me. Seeing as how I am now, I have come to the realization that "I am a pessimist because of intelligence but an optimist because of will" -Antonio Gramsci.  Now because of this I believe that the right thing to do is to be blunt. I lie to myself daily and don't always say my honest opinion to people. Somewhere between sugar-coating everything, I lost the truth in what I said. I was so worried about who I may offend that I forgot that the whole point of voicing my opinion is to change others into believing the same way I do and then together we would lead the world into a better future. (But in the long run of course)
I can't say what needs to be said if I am constantly worrying about being judged and ticking people off. The nerves kill my confidence and no one wants to listen to someone who is not confident because if they don't even believe in themselves then why should you? So my new mission is to be confident and not take the time to sugar-coat things, because if I cant be honest with myself about what I truly believe and voice it out loud then I suppose it's best not to speak at all.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Still Know?

We almost never truly know who people are. They suprise us, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. They say that you see who a person really is in the worst of times. How they handle stress, guilt, and finally as a result, loss. Sometimes I believe that we have to see the worst in people and have those hard times so you can see the good in people and in life alot easier. But when does it become the breaking point. That point where you just can't take anymore. Where all the little things blow up and you come to that relization that maybe you never knew that person, what they were capable of, how they truly thought. The horror isn't what they said or did, it's more how they played us, and worse how we were so easily played for so long. We need to break free from those people, but it's hard. Maybe it's worth it, and maybe we make a mistake, but life's too short to be in an endless game of bad suprises.
"Love is when two people know everything about one another and still completley trust one another."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Still Perfect

"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands.  But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny."  -Carl Schurz, address, Faneuil Hall, Boston, 1859
Perfection is not something someone can achieve because if we did all we would be doing is nothing. Nothing, meaning not doing anything right but not doing anything wrong. Therefore a state of perfection.
Screw that! Perfection is not something that we can achieve but like the stars we need to let it guide us. Let it be our standard. If everyone craved perfection as a standard then the pure iron will would make us unstoppable. We can do anything we set our minds to, and it pains me that perfection is frowned upon. Maybe, it's because imperfection is so accepted this day in age. Each and everyone of us have the opprotunity in America to do something great. Even though we can never truly be perfect without being nothing, we need to set it as our personal standard. Only then will we reach our true potential.
It's your decision.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Still Love Me?

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

Things seemed to have calmed down after the after Valentine's Day look at your love life. For several people I know, well, they screwed up...even me. You see I couldn't deal with what was given to me, love. Now, all I do is want it back.
Please don't be like me and screw things up. You see, love is such a splendor thing. It lifts us up, and for those moments when it crashes we think about how stupid we were. We let someone in just enough so that they could crush us from the inside. We want to give up. Say "the hell with that!" and swear that nobody should ever do this to us again.
But then we get inspired by a stupid blog that says a cheesy quote, and makes the point that: "We go through many people we love, and it sucks because not a single one of them come to us at our beck and call. Some move away, others move away from us once they figure out who we are, some we move away from because we see who they are. After all this misfortune, we give up. But then we have to live with the fact that the spark we feel is bigger than the hurt we feel. And that if the most repulsive people can find somebody to love and show the same affection towards, then so can we."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Still Happy?

Happiness is said to be "The fuel to thrive and flourish and leave this world better than you found it." acccording to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson

Sometimes the average workaholic complains that they would give anything for a day off, but when they finally get it all they do is work on things other than what they took a break from.
The truth is that no one is happy doing nothing until they become accustomed to it. (Maybe that's why I am so happy) But we are human and we do get bored. So with this extra time on our hands, maybe like the workaholic on his/her break, we work on other things because we want to better something. Get that stain out or do a load of laundry that you will probably never wear.
I wish I could tell you that on my days off I work at a homeless shelter or shovel old people's drive ways but the fact of the matter is that i dont even get around to personal tasks. And you know what? I'm not happy. But when I am happy, I feel inspired to do something. I want to spread that happiness and make people better so that i can leave this world better than i found it. Spread your moments of joy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Still Time To Try Try Again

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
George Bernard Shaw

I believe that any man who can win fight is a winning  man, but a man who can pick himself back up after he's fallen is the better man.
We may not relize that sometimes even though we don't always win or get chosen, sometimes the respect we gain and the friends we make along the way are more precious. I know for a fact that every time I've ever made a mistake and not just laughed it off and tried again, that I was looked down upon more for giving up. For people who though that I didn't want it as bad as others, I always despised. Until I relized that I wasn't the only one who made mistakes; that those people who know did make it were very talented at whatever it was they wanted because they wanted it bad. Plus, they had the confidence to say that they were okay with either outcome.
So I guess, my mission statment for this post is that never give up because of a silly embaressing mistake because 9 times outta 10, if you can just smile about it, the world will hand you something in return.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Still Time

"In Texas they lynch Negroes. My teammates and I saw a man strung up by his neck and set on fire. We drove through a lynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard. I looked at my teammates. I saw the fear in their eyes and, worse, the shame. What was this Negro's crime that he should be hung without trial in a dark forest filled with fog. Was he a thief? Was he a killer? Or just a Negro? Was he a sharecropper? A preacher? Were his children waiting up for him? And who are we to just lie there and do nothing. No matter what he did, the mob was the criminal. But the law did nothing. Just left us wondering, "Why?" 
This quote was from the movie "The Great Debaters" It spoke to me and said that evil will always triuph when good men do nothing.
It's funny and yet so true. I recommend that no one ever be just a bystandard. I've been there and stuck up for alot of people and things I believe in, but when I missed just that one opportunity, I thought about it every day for a long time. And even to this day, I still do. I'm sorry.
The only thing can think to do now is to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Still Some Evil

I guess the title of this post still contridicts my whole pupose of making a blog in the first place, but there's someting you should know about evil: Without it, we are selfish...even though selfishness in itself is a sin.
I think that without the bad, we couldn't appriciate the good. I kinda learned this lesson as a kid. When things seemed all but good, the only though that comforted me was "things have to get better because they can't get worse." I guess you could say that once things actually did get better I did nothing but enjoy it. Of course, I still always wanted more, but I was content and happy, some might even say.
I watched the movie "Devil" by M. Knight Shyamalan and it said something rather moving towards me...If there's such thing as an evil like the Devil then God must be real too.

Still Hope

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” -Einstien

Only if we could all widen our circle of compassion, even to those who we may not think deserve it, we could make one more smile and one less tear. So my mission for all my fallowers is that if you believe that there is still hope and good in the world, and even if you don't,  spread some kindness because maybe, just maybe, someone will show you the kindness in return.