Sunday, March 6, 2011

Still Perfect

"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands.  But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny."  -Carl Schurz, address, Faneuil Hall, Boston, 1859
Perfection is not something someone can achieve because if we did all we would be doing is nothing. Nothing, meaning not doing anything right but not doing anything wrong. Therefore a state of perfection.
Screw that! Perfection is not something that we can achieve but like the stars we need to let it guide us. Let it be our standard. If everyone craved perfection as a standard then the pure iron will would make us unstoppable. We can do anything we set our minds to, and it pains me that perfection is frowned upon. Maybe, it's because imperfection is so accepted this day in age. Each and everyone of us have the opprotunity in America to do something great. Even though we can never truly be perfect without being nothing, we need to set it as our personal standard. Only then will we reach our true potential.
It's your decision.


  1. Not only in America, there is plenty of opportunities everywhere in this world to do something great. It should be us who should grab those and come out like the stars.

    Perfection is something we should learn from our fellow perfectionists.

  2. And something that others should want to learn from us.

  3. yeah... if only we are perfectionists :-)

  4. hey, look into my blog if u get time
